I was supposed to run the Walt Disney World Half Marathon in 2017 for its 20th Anniversary, but it got rained out and was cancelled. So I just registered for the 2022 half marathon, because have you seen that Donald Duck and Daisy Duck spinner medal? I’ve always wanted to run as Daisy Duck, it can’t be all about Donald Duck, right? This easy DIY Daisy Duck Running Costume took me about 30 minutes to make.
How to Make a Daisy Duck Costume
First, I needed a purple tank. I tried to find a more lilac-colored tank top, but I was short on time, so this was the best I found. Some cartoons and Walt Disney World have Daisy wearing a pink shirt, but I’m refusing to believe it and am going with this image.
I had a white Sparkle Athletic Skirt already, so woohoo, and I had purchased yellow Zensah Calf Sleeves on clearance from a local running store because I knew I’d need them sometime! But you can use your preferred sleeve, compression sock, or tights.
How to Make a Daisy Duck Hat
White Hat
Yellow Fabric Spray Paint
Pink Ribbon
Black and Purple Sharpie
Since my time was limited I needed a quick hat, so I just wanted something inexpensive. I bought a cheap white hat from Hobby Lobby ($3), yellow fabric spray paint (affiliate link), pink ribbon, and a purple sharpie (I already had a black one). If you’re super smart, you can just buy pre-made bows at Michaels instead of wasting your time trying to watch and fail at bow tutorials on YouTube. Ask me how I know.
I taped up part of the hat, took it outside, and sprayed the bill. Super easy and quick. It did have to dry for 30 minutes before I drew on the eyes. I was worried about the smell at first, that I would get high from fumes as I was running, but the next day, I couldn’t smell the paint.
Then I used regular Sharpie to draw the eyes and eyelashes. They have fabric Sharpies, but the colors weren’t as bright. You can see the Sharpie bleeds a bit, for my purpose, it did the job! To secure the bow, I used a safety pin and hot glue.
Isn’t she adorable? Hopefully there won’t be any rain for this year’s race and I’ll earn this gorgeous Walt Disney World Half Marathon medal!!
If you still want to run the races, runDisney keeps dropping race registrations periodically. So keep your eyes out! Are runDisney races worth the money? It depends on your expectations and where you place value. I’m excited to get back on the race course!
Daisy Duck Costume DIY Ideas for Kids - Kids Art & Craft
Friday 27th of January 2023
[…] Image Source/Tutorial: Lola Lambchops […]
MCM Mama
Wednesday 4th of January 2017
Cute costume! Nicely done.
Wednesday 4th of January 2017
This is really cute and unique idea! Hope you will enjoy it!
Tuesday 3rd of January 2017
What a cute costume! Hope the race goes well! :)
Tuesday 3rd of January 2017
Super cute, as always! Can't wait to see you soon!