Christmas Eve, also known as the night before Christmas, is when kids wait for Santa and when some families celebrate Noche Buena. Other families just share funny Christmas Eve memes to celebrate.
The Best Christmas Eve Memes to Make You Laugh
While you wait for Santa to visit or put on your matching pajamas, these funny and sweet Christmas Eve memes will help you wait for the big morning!
And once you finish reading these memes, check out these hilarious Christmas Memes for 2023!
Buddy the Elf Meme
Is there anything better than Buddy’s face from Elf to help celebrate Christmas Eve?
Adam and Eve Jokes
When you have name like Eve, there are sure to be Christmas Eve jokes.
The Other Eve
So there’s more than one famous Eve.
A Snoopy Christmas Eve
A simple Merry Christmas Eve sentiment from Santa Snoopy and Woodstocks.
Kid at Heart
May we all be kids at heart and never stop believing.
Merry Christmas Eve
There’s only one day that’s Christmas Eve!
Christmas Eve at Grandma’s House
Moms on Christmas Eve
It’s hard work.
Dwight Christmas Eve
You know what day it is.
Merry Christmas Eve!