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Hermione Belle Running Costume for Princess Half Marathon – Beauty and the Beast/Harry Potter Mashup

Yes, Beauty and the Beast Week continues with my Princess Half Marathon costume plus a bonus Tuesdays on the Run! This is also my mini 2017 Princess Half Marathon Recap. I wasn’t planning on running the half, but when I saw the Princess Half Marathon Weekend medals, I had to have one. Come on, it was a rose from Beauty and the Beast! I also knew I was going to interview Emma Watson during the Be Our Guest event, so I decided on a Hermione Belle running costume mashup as an ode to Emma, since she plays both characters.

My Hermione Belle running costume for Princess Half Marathon as an ode to Emma Watson who plays both Hermione in Harry Potter and Belle in the new Beauty and the Beast!

Hermione Belle Running Costume

I got the idea from friends and also had help in the costume department. My friend April already rocked out Hermione for the Walt Disney World Marathon last year, so I borrowed her white collared shirt, vest, and tie. The white collared shirt was sleeveless and was made out of tech material. The tie was small and came down to about my chest. The gray vest was also sleeveless. I also added a Sparkle Athletic yellow skirt (borrowed from my friend Wendy), yellow calf sleeves that I already had, and purchased yellow opera gloves from Amazon. This was the cheapest costume yet, and it’s one of my all-time favorites!

I was going to run without a cape, but I wasn’t quite Harry Pottered enough, so I needed more balance. April was going to let me borrow her awesome capelet, with the Gryffindor crest on it, but it got sidetracked in the mail, so it never arrived before the race. Sad face. So the “cape” is a big black t-shirt cut down the center. Of course I had to run with props, too, so a rose in one hand, and a wand in the other!

I found some fellow Harry Potter lovers on the Princess Half Marathon Course

2017 Princess Half Marathon

My friend Diane and I started middle of the pack. The temps weren’t bad. It was a little cool in the morning, which I like, because that means it’s not going to be sweltering hot. Thankfully, my friends brought me an extra space blanket to wear in the morning. They’re so nice because they’re just enough to keep your muscles warm, but easy to throw away.

We were off and we decided to stick to a 1:1 interval. I was undertrained and really I just wanted to have fun. Corrals were going off around every 2 minutes, because runDisney has started to divide the corrals into different parts. So the whole corral didn’t start at the same time. It was fine, but it felt a little Hunger Games-ish as waves of people kept coming behind you.  I soon found some fellow Hogwarts loving peeps! It was awesome when people knew who I was. Some people just thought I was in the wrong park and told me so, lol!

Diane and I decided to stop for characters if the line was short and/or it was someone we reallllly wanted. We skipped the Villains, Pirates, and the Princes on the way out. The lines were just insane, and we had seen them before. I was happy to see Jack Sparrow and the Princes on the way back, too. I remember one year, they weren’t out both ways. So if you really want their picture, stop on the way back around, because it’s light outside, and the line is usually shorter.

Buzz Lightyear is around Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin on the Princess Half Marathon Course!

The Magic Kingdom Mile

Good grief the Magic Kingdom mile was the longest by far. Here’s where we basically stopped for all of our character photos and stopped at real bathrooms. There are real bathrooms everywhere, so no need to stand in line for one. We ventured a little off course to the left of the Teacups, but we had no line. We also found the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland!

We found the Queen of Hearts by the Teacups at Princess Half Marathon Course

Then I spotted one of my favorite villains – Gaston! Since I was Hermione Belle, I had to stop, but his line was forever long. I think we waited about 10-15 minutes. Totally worth it though. He was positively primeval. Oh yeah, and it was getting hot, so I had to change my hair style.

One of my favorite pictures from Princess Half Marathon was with Gaston!

Once you get out of Magic Kingdom, which is almost halfway, it’s just all road until you hit Epcot. Here’s where running with friends helps out, because the next miles kind of stink. If you get stuck in the back, then there’s a stretch of road where you can’t even run if you wanted unless you ran in the grass. Here’s where etiquette comes into play. I get it. It’s crowded. You want to do intervals, but there has to be a lane where runners can run. It felt like people were so tired, they just didn’t care anymore.

Beauty and the Beast Princess Half Marathon Medal

So we kept on going and eventually saw Epcot in sight! Yadda, yadda, yadda, the rest of the race was uneventful, but we finished! And then we got the reason for our run – the bling! Isn’t it pretty??

2017 Beauty and the Beast Princess Half Marathon Medal

Even though Princess Half Marathon is not my favorite runDisney race weekend, I will always attend if my friends run it. It’s one of the best weekends to spend time with my girlfriends. Plus the medals are pretty awesome. Next year is Anniversary bling! I’m really glad I ran this year with my friend, Diane! She’s a hoot, and I love Beauty and the Beast so much, it was fun to see all the nods to the film.

I finished the 2017 Princess Half Marathon with a Hermione Belle Running Costume and was rewarded with a beautiful Beauty and the Beast medal!

Thanks for reading my adventure in the great wide somewhere. See ya there!

Love, Hermione Belle

Link up with Patty, Marcia, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run! They’re talking St. Patrick’s Day, but I’m all Beauty and the Beast over here! 🙂

Belle's yellow dress is amazing and Emma Watson talks about how they designed it.

MCM Mama

Thursday 16th of March 2017

Cute costume! I'm not a Disney kind of girl, but I love the bling you got!

Shannon @GirlsGotSole

Tuesday 14th of March 2017

Such a cute costume for Princess! I'm not a big HP fan, but I do like the combo you created. You got some fun pics too along the way! I paced the race and it was totally crowded all the way, but I had a good time and love seeing the fun costumes people have.

Janelle @ Run With No Regrets

Tuesday 14th of March 2017

Congratulations on your race! I did the 10K, didn't sign up for the half looks like so much fun. And I absolutely love your costume and your photo with Gaston!

Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder

Tuesday 14th of March 2017

I love your outfit and I love your picture with Gaston! I'm kinda bummed I didn't get a chance to run it this year, but being that I was already registered for Gasparilla by the time they announced the theme I stuck with my pirate challenge race. I'm definitely doing it next year when they have the anniversary bling though!


Tuesday 14th of March 2017

Thank you! Hey Pirate costumes are cool, too :)


Tuesday 14th of March 2017

Your costume was awesome and very creative. I've run Princess a few times and I think I know that thin strip of road you are talking about. Is it after you exit the back of MK and you have to run between the cones?


Tuesday 14th of March 2017

Yes!! That's exactly it. It's a frustrating strip of road.