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Why I Want My Daughters to Be Like Emilia Clarke | A SOLO Interview

Emilia Clarke stars as Qi’ra in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Many fans know her as Daenerys Targaryen or the Mother of Dragons in Game of Thrones. I actually haven’t seen Game of Thrones, but after talking with Emilia Clarke, I have mad respect for her. She has such a great head on her shoulders, and I shipped Emilia Clarke with Han Solo in this film. Here’s why I want my daughters to be like Emilia Clarke.

Thank you, Disney, for inviting me on the #HanSoloEvent and providing travel and accommodations. All opinions on the fierceness of Emilia Clarke are my own.

Emilia Clarke talks Han Solo and strong women.

Photo Credit: Louise Bishop,

Emilia Clarke on Playing Strong Female Roles

You always play such strong female role models- what was something different that you brought to the film to make sure that she really stood out differently from your other strong characters?

Emilia: “Well it’s really difficult to not say too much, because some of that answer is definitely a spoiler, but there were a lot of discussions that I had with the creators of the movie to just kind of make sure that there were certain things in place that I felt were important for her and for the Star Wars franchise to have a girl that was strong.”

This is so important!! This is why I love that my daughters are fans of franchises like Star Wars, like Marvel, because I want them to see these types of roles. As much as I adore Disney princesses, when it comes down to choosing between Snow White or Qi’ra, I want them to choose Qi’ra 100%. Qi’ra is not waiting for her prince to come.

Qi'ra is a kick-butt female lead in Solo: A Star Wars Story played by Emilia Clarke.

What Strong Women Means

When asked about what she wants young girls to take away from her character in Solo, Emilia said, “Well you know, I get “you play a lot of strong women” questions a lot and what I would love is we’re just women.  You can take strong out of the equation. Do you know what I mean? It just is what we are, strength is within us as women. And it’d be wonderful if for the young girls who are watching me play these characters now just see that as a part of being a woman, as opposed to it being a choice of like, “Oh I’m gonna be a strong woman or I’m not gonna be a strong woman.”  You are. We all are. You have it in you anyway, so just go get it.”

“Strength is within us as women…You are. We all are. You have it in you anyway, so just go get it.” -Emilia Clarke

This really resonated with me. I think this is why we sometimes have to classify female roles as strong, because in the past women have traditionally been given different types of roles. They’re the arm candy or the trophy wife or supporting role to the male character. I want my daughters to know that all women are strong. They don’t have to make the choice of whether today they want to be strong, even on a bad day, because they already are.

Emilia Clarke in Han Solo and why I want my daughters to be like Emilia Clarke.

Emilia Clarke as a Lego

One of the lighter moments during the interview came when I asked about Emilia Clarkes’s desire to be a LEGO. A fan had wanted to know how it felt for her to now be a LEGO and part of all the Star Wars merchandise.

Emilia:“It’s so good! It’s amazing! I told my godson, I’m sorry honey, but you’re just going to have all the merchandise. Here play with this LEGO. ‘Recognize her? DO YA?!”

I was cracking up laughing, because Emilia Clarke was so excited and had the biggest smile on her face. This is another quality I love about her – the ability to find joy in the little things.

Emilia Clarke has always wanted to become a Lego, and now she has in Solo: A Star Wars Story

Emilia Clarke As An Avenger

One of my favorite questions was when someone asked her if she could be an Avenger, who would she be?

Emilia:“I want to say “The Hulk”. That’d be so cool! ‘Yo Mark, watch out honey!’”

Emilia Clarke calling out Mark Ruffalo. I love it!!

Emilia Clarke wants to be Hulk in the Avengers.

Emilia Clarke (and Qi’ra) exhibits many qualities I want my daughters to exude – kindness, courage, strength, fun, and fearless. She was such a delight to interview and to be around. She loves the loyalty of Game of Thrones fans and thinks they’ll love Solo: A Star Wars Story, too!

Photo Credit: Louise Bishop,

SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY is in theaters May 25th! Get your tickets now!

Check out my Is Solo: A Star Wars Story kid friendly review‘ to see if Solo is ok for kids!

An exclusive interview with Game of Thrones actress Emilia Clarke and her role as Qi'ra in Solo: A Star Wars Story. She talks about strong women and being a LEGO! #HanSolo #EmiliaClarke #GameofThrones

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[…] played by Emilia Clarke, is a young woman who has made some poor decisions in life. She talks a lot about sex and one can […]