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How I Made Paul Bettany Choose Between Avengers and Star Wars

Some of my friends have interviewed Paul Bettany before, and man, have there been stories. He was a gentleman, a real person, a comedian, and all-around nice guy all wrapped up into one package. Not only did Paul Bettany star in Avengers: Infinity War recently as a hero, but he’s also taking over Star Wars as a villain in Solo: A Star Wars Story. And I made him choose between them.

Thank you, Disney, for inviting me to the #HanSoloEvent and providing hotel and accommodations. All opinions on how I learn life lessons from Paul Bettany are my own.

Paul Bettany tells us how he asked Ron Howard for the job in Solo: A Star Wars Story

Photo Credit: Louise Bishop,

On Making A Star Wars Movie and Dropping the F-Bomb

I’m pretty sure Paul Bettany and I could be best friends. We both like Avengers, we’re both amusing, and I may say an expletive if I was cast in a Star Wars film! Well maybe not, but it would be a made up really excited word like frickety frack or son of a Patty. He was giddy when talking about making a Star Wars movie.

Paul Bettany: “There were many moments where I went, oh, my gosh, I’m in a Star Wars movie. And I think because Ron and I were, you know, newcomers on the block as it were. Everyone else had been in there for eight months or whatever. And we were still totally un-jaded by it. And I kept elbowing him and saying, “We’re making a Star Wars movie. We’re making a Star Wars movie.”

I have a starship and I was coming down the spiral staircase and a super chic asymmetric cloak I think you probably all noticed. And an R2 unit went by me with champagne flutes on and I went <expletive> I’m in Star Wars. And that was amazing.”

Paul Bettany drops the F-bomb in a Han Solo interview.

On How Paul Bettany Got the Job (Totally Embarrassing Story)

This is my favorite story ever. When asked how he got the part of Dryden Vos, Paul said this.

Paul Bettany: “This is a hugely embarrassing story which I shouldn’t tell you but I’ve got to tell you anyway. I heard that my old mate, Ron, was doing it and in 1977 I saw Star Wars, right. So, like, I was six years old and it took me out of the gray, miserable 1970’s London. London was really depressed in the ‘70s, by the way. So, it was just to be taken away to that universe and it was amazing.

So, suddenly, but now I’m in the Avengers so I think there’s no way I’m ever going to be asked to be in Star Wars. Unless, Ron Howard becomes the director. And that happened. And so, I texted him and I literally texted him this, I said, I said, hey, Ron, have you ever spent long winter evenings, like I have wondering why you’re not in the Star Wars franchise.

And that’s a true story. He said, you know, give me a moment. And two weeks later I was flying to London to shoot it.

True story. If you don’t ask…you know what I mean?”

People, even Paul Bettany is manifesting his dreams. Sometime you just gotta ask or as Ron Howard put it, “Beg.” Ain’t no shame in that, because Paul Bettany stars in Avengers movies and Star Wars, so boom.

Paul Bettany in Han Solo as Dryden Vos.

Avengers Versus Star Wars

I know I shouldn’t make people choose between fandoms, but I do. I whole heartedly think you can be fans of many things, but one always has to creep above the rest. Paul Bettany also plays Vision in the Avengers films. So I asked him if his children thought him being in Star Wars or Avengers was cooler?

Paul Bettany:“Oh, man, I think it’s right down the middle for them.”

Me:“They have to pick a side!” [Did I just say that and slam my fist on the table?]

Paul Bettany: “Well, you know, Avengers have kept us all in shoes for the last–. We’re really feeling how privileged and blessed we all are at the moment. And it’s been an amazing ride. That’s the other thing with my kids…they’re really aware of their privilege, really because I’m not willing to raise one of those children. I want them to know how rare this situation is and to prepare them for a life in which they can hopefully, give back in a way that we’ve all received.”

Paul Bettany talks Star Wars versus Avengers and what's cooler.

I loved hearing Paul Bettany talk about his children. They fly coach when they travel, and he wants them to know their situation is rare. Not only is he raising children to be good humans, but he’s dang funny. His character as Dryden Vos in Solo: A Star Wars Story is a villain really gifted at hurting at torturing people. Paul Bettany is an incredibly talented actor and makes cross-pollination of Avengers and Star Wars look good. So which fandom would you choose?

Watch Paul Bettany in Solo: A Star Wars Story in theaters May 25th!

Check out my ‘Is Solo: A Star Wars Story kid friendly’ post to see if you should take young kids to see the new Han Solo movie.

Sophia Bush: A Woman For All Women | #Incredibles2Event | My No-Guilt Life | My No-Guilt Life

Friday 22nd of June 2018

[…] casting story I love came from Solo: A Star Wars Story. During the interview with Paul Bettany, the bloggers interviewing him heard how he decided to just ask to be in Star […]