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Is the Cats Movie Kid Friendly? Well…

After watching the Cats movie trailer, I tried to go into it with an open mind. I really like musicals and Memories was on my Broadway compilation CD growing up. But this was bad. Is the Cats movie kid friendly? Aside from some pelvic thrusting and bizarre elements, it’s fine from a language and content standpoint. But I was falling asleep, so I don’t know how little kids would make it through that movie. Plus those dang cats are scary-looking. 

Is Cats movie kid friendly?

Is the Cats Movie Kid Friendly?

I’ve never done drugs, but Cats is the kind of movie that I imagine would come out of the brain of someone who maybe has partaken in some substances. I don’t know for sure though. Is the Cats movie safe for kids? Sure, in theory. 

There’s no bad language, there’s no violence, but there’s a bit of rude humor and suggestive movements. Cats is 2 hours long though, and there’s not enough action to keep kids awake and engaged for that long. I would not recommend the Cats movie for kids under 10 unless they’ve seen Cats the musical and love it. 

What is Cats about? <shrugs> The premise behind the musical and the movie is a series of poems by T.S. Eliot, Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats. His estate wouldn’t grant permission for the music unless the lyrics were basically verbatim of the poems. Hence, one reason why the movie makes no sense either.


I did not hear any bad language.


There’s no violence except for some hissing cats. Not violent, but a little disturbing and perhaps scary for kids are the human-looking cockroaches and mice that sometimes get eaten by the cats with human faces.

Mature Content

Cats is rated PG for peril, some thematic elements, and rude humor. So some humor is a little suggestive like, “Do you think he just got neutered, because those notes are high.” What I’d be most concerned about is all the pelvic thrusts and interesting choice of movements with these cats and their tails. 

Cats have legs spread open, scratching themselves, one lands on his groin, and meanwhile there’s a dance number in which it feels like cats are having erections with their tails. Even the looks on their faces implies an orgasm or a seizure, I don’t know which. I’m assuming much of that would go over kids’ heads, but I was feeling uncomfortable in the theater. 

Should You Take Kids to See Cats the Movie?

My question is why would you? I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t get the appeal of the musical. So I would guess if you really like the musical, then you’ll find plenty to like about the movie, especially the music.

Memories is definitely a highlight, and Jennifer Hudson sings it beautifully. I even kind of forgot I was in cat hell for a moment. Oh and I did enjoy the tap dancing.

Then I got snapped back to reality. The underlying message of Cats isn’t bad, at all. But how they got there is my bigger question. Instead of answers, I’m just left with tons of questions. Why do these cats have human faces? Why CGI fur? Why crazy tails? What did Grizabella do that was so horrible? Why are there still fat jokes even about cats? How come Old Deuteronomy gets to choose the Jellicle?

And maybe the most irritating question of all is what does jellicle mean? Why after hearing about Jellicle Cats 200 times, do I still not know the answer to that question?

I’m mad that this is what they’ve done to Judi Dench and Ian McKellen. Et tu, Gandalf?

Maybe I’m the ignorant one and can’t appreciate high art. But I’ve seen trippy movies before and can at least find the humor in them. Cats the movie did nothing for me. It was reduced to cheesy cat puns, oversexualized cats, and Taylor Swift with a weird accent. Save yourself and your kids from jellicle nightmares, and skip this one. Meowy Christmas.

But seriously if you watch the trailer and think, wow, this looks really good, then go watch the movie.

For more kid friendly reviews:

Is Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker kid friendly?

Is Jumanji: The Next Level kid friendly?


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