Have you seen The School for Good and Evil on Netflix? This tale of good versus evil is a fresh take on fairy tales. Enjoy some of the best quotes from The School for Good and Evil from Sophie, Agatha, Tedros, Lady Lesso, and more!
The Best The School for Good and Evil Quotes
Sophie and Agatha are best friends who are social outcasts in their village of Gavladon. When they arrive in the magical School for Good and Evil, they are seemingly dropped off on the wrong sides of the school. Sophie has always dreamed of being a princess, so how could she be evil? However, maybe they don’t know as much about themselves as they think they do.
This School for Good and Evil Parents Guide will give you age recommendations for the film.
I’m done settling for half. I want it all. -Rafal
I can’t settle for an ordinary life. -Sophie
It’ll consume you, you can’t control it. -Rhian
I prefer chaos. -Rafal
When I’m done, evil won’t lose. -Rafal
I seriously doubt there are any decent people in Gavaldon. -Sophie
It’s where the true story behind every great fairy tale begins.
I’m supposed to be a princess, not a villain. -Sophie quotes from The School for Good and Evil
I thought fairies were supposed to be nice. -Agatha
Ever, because we believe in living Happily Ever After. Nevers, because they don’t. -Lady Lesso
His dad was king so of course he has to have his own stupid entrance. -Hort
What did he smell like? -Kiko
Ego. -Agatha
Future heroes and villains, you have been chosen to protect and maintain the balance between good and evil. -Professor Dovey
There are no mistakes in the School for Good and Evil. -School Master
A world where evil is not as powerful as good is a world out of balance. -Lady Lesso quotes
Our graduates live the very real events that change the world, which become the stories that change the world. -School Master
Remember dear reader, no kiss comes without its price.
Not caring how you look forces you to use your intelligence. Ugliness is freedom.
As we know from fairy tales, pretty can sometimes kill you. -Yuba
Only the best evil can disguise as good. -Yuba
Your story will not end until one of you is destroyed. -Lady Lesso
You’re sure not like anybody I’ve ever met before. -Tedros
Your finger glow helps you become aware of the power inside you. -Professor Dovey
The stronger your feelings, the stronger your magic. -Lady Lesso
Evil attacks. Good defends. -Sophie
Evil only fights for itself. And that is the furthest thing for love on Earth. -Sophie
You’re not evil. You’re just human. -Agatha