With Disneyland races returning, the runDisney Coast to Coast medal is back! I have a couple of those beauties from my pre-Covid days. One is blue and one is pink for the different race options. If you want a Coast to Coast medal, here’s how you qualify, because all runDisney races will not count towards the runDisney Coast to Coast challenge.
2024 runDisney Coast to Coast Challenge Details
How can you get a Coast to Coast medal in 2024? There are 2 different ways and tracks to receive a runDisney Coast to Coast Race Challenge medal, but you must complete at least a 10-mile race on each coast. Sorry, no 10ks or 5ks qualify for a Coast to Coast medal.
First Way to Qualify for the runDisney Coast to Coast Challenge
Complete the Half Marathon during the 2024 Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend AND at least one of the following:
- 2024 Walt Disney World Half Marathon
- 2024 Walt Disney World Marathon
Multi-event challenges like Dumbo Double Dare, Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge and Dopey Challenge will also count towards your qualification for the runDisney Coast to Coast Race Challenge medal.
Second Way to Get the runDisney Coast to Coast Medal
Complete the Half Marathon during the 2024 Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend, AND any qualifying event at Walt Disney World Resort in 2024, including:
- Disney Princess Half Marathon or Disney Fairy Tale Challenge
- runDisney Springtime Surprise 10-Miler or runDisney Springtime Surprise Challenge
- Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon or Disney Two Course Challenge
Each track receives a different coast to coast challenge medal. Back in the day if you chose the female-centered races like Tinker Bell Half Marathon and Princess Half Marathon, then you received a pink Coast to Coast Challenge Medal. I don’t know if color will be the difference for the 2024 Coast to Coast Race Challenge medals, but we shall see!
runDisney Coast to Coast Frequently Asked Questions
Do you need to register for the Coast to Coast Challenge Separately?
No, Guests will not need to register for the runDisney Coast to Coast Race Challenge as a separate registration.
Do the Races Have to be Completed in the Same Calendar Year?
Yes, Both qualifying races must be completed in the same calendar year for the 2024 runDisney Coast to Coast Challenge.
Can You Double Dip and Qualify for More Than One Coast to Coast Challenge Medal?
No, Guests only earn one runDisney Coast to Coast Race Challenge medal per calendar year. So you can’t run the Disneyland Half and then run the Walt Disney World Half Marathon and the Princess Half Marathon and get two different medals the same year.
When Do You Receive Your Coast to Coast Medal?
runDisney Coast to Coast Race Challenge medals will be given after crossing the finish line of the second race.
Do Virtual Races Qualify You?
No, participation in virtual races does not count towards eligibility for the runDisney Coast to Coast Race Challenge medal.
Registration opens on February 14, 2023 for Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend, and it’s going to be a tough race weekend to get into. Everyone has been waiting for the return of Disneyland races and 2024 is the year they are back.
If you want to get a runDisney Coast to coast Challenge Medal in 2024, you have to run the Disneyland Half Marathon. Good luck!