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Hilarious Hocus Pocus Memes That Put a Spell on You

Sistahs! If you’re looking for funny Hocus Pocus memes, you’ve come to the right place. We’re mixing in memes from Hocus Pocus 2 as well, because twice the Sanderson Sisters is twice the Halloween fun! Now let these Sanderson Sister memes put a spell on you.

The Best Hocus Pocus Memes

In the original Hocus Pocus the Sanderson Sisters come back to Salem after they were done dirty. Brought back by a virgin and a candle, spoiler alert, Hocus Pocus 2 brings them back with the same magic. This cult classic has a certain type of audience – you know, cool people who love Halloween 😉 Enjoy this collection of Hocus Pocus and Hocus Pocus 2 Memes found on the internet.

No Excuses

What do you mean you haven’t seen Hocus Pocus? Ok, well Hocus Pocus and Hocus Pocus 2 are streaming on Disney+. No excuses.

Funny Hocus Pocus Memes

If You Don’t Like Hocus Pocus

Um, if you don’t like Hocus Pocus, you can’t sit with us. Just kidding. Kind of.

Hilarious Hocus Pocus Memes

Clueless to Hocus Pocus

Who wore it better?

Hocus Pocus Memes

Credit: @closetoclassy

Mom Looks

Listen, it’s been a long few years. Bring on the sweatpants!

Sanderson Sisters Mom Memes

Credit: @madmommies

We Smell Children

Ah, yes, classic children smells.

Memes from Hocus Pocus

Credit: @with_love_becca

Hocus Pocus 2 Memes

It’s October 1st, Witches!

We’ve all waited 29 years for this!

Hocus Pocus 2 Meme

Sorry, Billy. 

Hocus Pocus 2 Billy Meme

Hocus Pocus fans unite!