Sistahs! If you’re looking for funny Hocus Pocus memes, you’ve come to the right place. We’re mixing in memes from Hocus Pocus 2 as well, because twice the Sanderson Sisters is twice the Halloween fun! Now let these Sanderson Sister memes put a spell on you.
The Best Hocus Pocus Memes
In the original Hocus Pocus the Sanderson Sisters come back to Salem after they were done dirty. Brought back by a virgin and a candle, spoiler alert, Hocus Pocus 2 brings them back with the same magic. This cult classic has a certain type of audience – you know, cool people who love Halloween 😉 Enjoy this collection of Hocus Pocus and Hocus Pocus 2 Memes found on the internet.
No Excuses
What do you mean you haven’t seen Hocus Pocus? Ok, well Hocus Pocus and Hocus Pocus 2 are streaming on Disney+. No excuses.
If You Don’t Like Hocus Pocus
Um, if you don’t like Hocus Pocus, you can’t sit with us. Just kidding. Kind of.
Clueless to Hocus Pocus
Who wore it better?

Credit: @closetoclassy
Mom Looks
Listen, it’s been a long few years. Bring on the sweatpants!

Credit: @madmommies
We Smell Children
Ah, yes, classic children smells.

Credit: @with_love_becca
Hocus Pocus 2 Memes
It’s October 1st, Witches!
Waking up on October 1st… #HocusPocus2
— Hocus Pocus 2 | Now Streaming (@HocusPocusMovie) October 1, 2022
We’ve all waited 29 years for this!
Sorry, Billy.
Hocus Pocus fans unite!