What are bus stop costumes? If you follow me on social media at all, you may have noticed me in a lot of Halloween costumes the month of October. Yes, Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I love any excuse to dress up in costume. But, I borrowed this idea (to dress up to pick up my kids from the bus stop every day in October) from my friend, Julie, who is a mom I look up to, because of a more important reason.
Julie and I have many things in common. We both have 5 children, we both are kinda loud, we laugh at pretty much everything, and we both love having fun! She started dressing up in costume, because at the time, her 3rd grader was taking life too seriously. She wanted to teach him and the rest of her children that life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. Slow clap, Jules!
Since we moved to this neighborhood over 3 years ago, we finally have a bus stop. In all of our other homes, we didn’t. I was over here itching for my first day to dress up! And then that first day came, and then I thought, wait a minute. I’m the new girl here on this block. My neighbors are going to think I’m the biggest freak ever.
The First Day of Bus Stop Costumes
3 years ago, I started to sweat a little as I walked down the long street dressed as Darth Vader. My sidekick, Chewie, was super pumped, too, until she asked me, “How come nobody else is dressed up?” I just changed the subject.
This was a lesson for me as much as my children. If I’m going to encourage them to make new friends, step out of their comfort zone, stand up for others when it’s hard, stand out, be silly, break the ice, or any other cliché thing a mom tells her kid to do, well I better walk the walk.
My intention is definitely not to embarrass myself or my children. I just want them to know that their mom loves life and that she loves them. It’s fun to be goofy and silly and weird. I don’t want to be like everyone else.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 41 years of life, it’s that I’m secure in who I am, because I know where I come from, and I know where I’m going. My faith, friends, and family are everything. If I can bring a smile to my kids or someone else’s kids if they’ve had a rough day, then that makes me happy! Pride schmide.
And if you thought I had any pride left, I’ll just leave you with the Elf costume.
Why I Dress Up for Bus Stop Costumes
As my kids are getting older and are starting high school and middle school, I’ve noticed that they are trying to navigate who they are, who their real friends are, and where they fit in. It’s a hard time for teens and tweens. So Bus Stop Costumes are even more important for the lesson I’m trying to teach them.
When they’re little, they just think I’m fun and their friends are so happy to see what new costume or character I am. I love seeing all the little eyes look out the window of the bus trying to guess who I’ll be dressed as that day.
But for my older ones, I want them to understand that nobody gets to make you feel less than anybody else. You are enough. The younger they learn that, the happier they’ll be.
I’m sure there are other mothers, teenagers, even kids out there who think I’m the most ridiculous person ever. Guess what? I.DON’T.CARE. This is for me. For my family. For the kids who need to see it. For the kids who think they’re weird. For the kids who don’t think they fit in. I hope they learn not to care what others think either.

The cold never bothered us anyway.
If you want to join in the fun, dress up with us! Check out the hashtag #BusStopCostumesUnited on Instagram to check out more of our friends joining in the cause! 🙂

I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!

So what if not one child knew who we were? What are you letting your kids watch? Sheesh!
Where do the Costumes Come From?
If you’re wondering where I get all my costumes, a lot are a supply I’ve been building from years of family Halloween costumes plus running costumes plus borrowing some from friends and family. Julie does an awesome job of turning things she already has around the house into a costume.
I mostly buy fabric and try to do something with it or sometimes I’m lazy and buy costumes from the clearance Halloween section the year before. There’s no right or wrong way.
How to Make a 2020 Dumpster Fire Costume - Lola Lambchops
Friday 2nd of October 2020
[…] in some kind of way. When my friend suggested I make a Dumpster Fire costume for the first day of Bus Stop Costumes in 2020, I had to laugh. Challenge accepted. Since the bus stop is cancelled this year, we changed […]
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The Best Resources to Teach Fire Safety For Kids - Lola Lambchops
Friday 4th of October 2019
[…] people know me in October for Bus Stop Costumes where I dress up every day in a different costume to pick up my kids from the bus stop. This is to […]
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Friday 22nd of March 2019
[…] can I say? Between Bus Stop costumes, running costumes, and Halloween, we like to dress up! Plus a lot are easy, DIY costume […]
Halloween Costumes For Moms and Kids |DIY| Family Halloween Costumes
Thursday 24th of January 2019
[…] the past couple of years, I have participated in Bus Stop Costumes, with my friend Julie, and we dress up every day in October to pick up our kids from the school bus […]